Thursday, January 10, 2008


I have this idea going on in my head for the past few days. Well, it actually managed to resurface out of the clutters in my mind since i stashed it away a couple of months ago. Now the idea keeps on popping out of nowhere, displaying the rough sketches of what might possibly be done.

I am going to start working on it probably in a short while. It will be my FTP (free time project) for now. Well, it's not like I really have tons of free time this semester, so the progress will be very slow. Very, very slow.

For the time being I will have it referred to as TMPP. I have started some search on finding the best Wiki hosting service. If I couldn't find anything I guess I'll just stick with WetPaint. I was thinking of JotSpot, but it is currently closed for new registration when Google acquired it. I hope it will be opened A.S.A.P so I can take a look at what it can offer me.

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