That was somewhere before afternoon. I fell asleep, then woke up in the afternoon. Still raining. I felt like getting back to sleep before realising that I had already overslept.
I went down and switched on the monitor of the PC. The PC had been on since a few days ago. I left it on to download large files. I checked the downloading progress and went upstairs for a shower.
Late lunch, and nobody was home. I ate my meal in front of the PC. Multitasking is normal for me. Maybe I need to learn to sit down and eat my meal properly at the dinner table.
I was actually craving for some soup. Clear broth soup. Chicken, beef, veggie. I prefer beef over chicken. I remembered eating the soup with some bread or rice. White bread slices are torn into smaller pieces, dipped in the soup. Yum...
Here's a recipe I found on the Internet. But I'm not sure when will I cook such thing. I don't cook.
Cooking + Me = Mismatched couple.
Haha... Anyway, here it is.
(This is not a traditional recipe, I think this is from some Mediterranean one. The broth can be eaten as it is, or be used as base for some other recipes, usually in Western recipes.)
Beef Broth
4 pounds cracked beef marrow, shin, and/or shank bones, with meat on them
1 large onion, cut into eighths
4 ripe plum tomatoes, cut in half (optional)
1 carrot, cut up
2 celery stalks, cut up
1 leek, split lengthwise, washed well, cut up
10 black peppercorns
Bouquet garni, tied together in cheesecloth, consisting of 3 sprigs fresh parsley, 1 sprig fresh thyme, 2 fresh sage leaves, and 1 bay leaf
4 quarts water
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
- Put all the ingredients, except the salt and pepper, in a stock pot, bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Skim the surface of foam until no more appears. Partially cover and simmer on a very low heat for no less than 6 hours.
- Pour the broth through a cone-shaped strainer and discard all the bones, meat, vegetables, and bouquet garni. Now pour the broth through the strainer lined with cheesecloth. Season with salt and pepper.
- To de-fat the broth, let it rest in a refrigerator until the fat congeals on the top and can be lifted off. The broth can be frozen for up to 6 months.
Variation: To turn this broth into a fond brun de veau, replace the beef with veal and start by browning the meat in hot clarified butter in a large skillet until they are golden brown, turning with tongs. Remove to the stock pot. Add the onion and 2 peeled carrots cut into rounds to the skillet; when the onions have yellowed, remove to the stock pot and continue with the recipe. Alternatively, place the meat bones in a roasting pan and roast at 425 degrees F until well browned before using.
Makes 2 to 3 quarts
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